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where content is king



A track record of success

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It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

-- Warren Buffett

About us

We help companies and projects to build, protect or repair their reputation. We will help you too.

What we do

We can develop your reputation in every direction. It doesn't matter if you are a start-up or an established company. We will help you set up a communication strategy, come up with a main communication idea and make you visible in the media and on social networks.


Content creation

Effective communication is based on quality content. We identify relevant and key themes about your brand or company and write attractive content that catches attention and elevates recognition. Today’s traditional media and social media cannot sufficiently ensure reliable coverage – that’s why we will support and propagate your reputation with content that compels, informs and sells.

Relationship management

Respectable and ongoing relations towards stakeholders and the media are increasingly important at a time of information overload. That’s why we will carefully nurture, nourish and network the media, stakeholders, and the third sector during fixed-term projects and over the long-term.

Influencer marketing

Become a lovebrand thanks to the people your customers love and follow regularly. We will help you with selection of the right influencers, and we will also suggest ways to best "sell" you on their social networks.

Reputation management

You can pay for any kind of advertising, but the most important thing is what people say about you. We will set up the right communication strategy for you, ensure its implementation and, in the event of a crisis, manage it together.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We will give your projects added value and confidence. We will highlight the contribution of your CSR activities to the environment, the use of renewable energies, as well as social responsibility.


Online campaigns that work. With just one click we will create content, a community, and interconnections throughout the various social media sites. We will prepare target group monitoring, suggest a plan of attack, and then map out how to get the most from the exposure and connections.  

Our clients


A new destination for modern city life has been established in Bratislava

(media relations, product PR, influencer marketing)

The opening of the multi-functional project with the long-awaited bus station in Bratislava met with great interest from the public and the media. The very opening in autumn 2019, in the beginning of the 3rd wave of covid, was a challenge in itself. Shortly after it came another one - to teach people, after the first excitement from the new center, to spend time in it.

Even the weakest in society can be seen and hear

(media relations, online)

Today, the name of the association resonates in most media. Its representatives have become relevant and reliable respondents for journalists on current health topics and equal partners for experts and politicians in discussions. This is also proof that PR built over the years bears its fruit.

When everyone pulls together, the result is a functioning healthcare

(media relations, online)

The priority of every health insurance company is to have satisfied insured. However, where the private sector meets the state, everything is not always black and white. And it was precisely the search for a common line and tone of communication of the association, which unites health insurance companies from these two worlds, that was a pleasant challenge for us.

Every story, even of a top scientist, needs communication

(media relations, social media)

Even a successful company needs to properly communicate its achievements. Cooperation with one of Slovakia's most successful stories of recent years started in 2019, when the team around Paľo Čekan, in addition to popularizing their own research, opened a discussion about the general need for R&D support in our country.

European science night
Children are the future so is science and research

(media relations, social media)

How to get children to science better than with experiments and the opportunity to try out what it's like to be a scientist? The non-profit think tank Slovak Organization for Research and Development Activities (SOVVA) has been performing this task for more than 16 years. With attendance exceeding the level of 160,000 visitors in five cities in record years, it is the science popularization event of the year

Skupina GGE
Communication must work no only outside, but especially inside the company

(internal communication, crisis communication)

Kilowatts or kilowatt hours? Communication of energy topics is one of the most demanding, also because the average consumer is naturally only interested in energy prices. However, this simplification also brings many pitfalls, especially if energy prices go up. Behind each such increase is much more hidden, from the production process to energy supplying.

Meal vouchers have launched a wave of passionate discussions

(full-service – media relations, online, public affairs support)

The industry association of meal voucher issuers got a new look, from the name to the design to its focus. The trigger was recreational vouchers, with which came the desire to modernize the predecessor of the association AESP SR. During our cooperation with AMOBE, there were also times that did not let us breathe. Especially when there was social and political opposition to food stamps, which had to be responded to actively and flexibly.

Largest residential developer gets a direction

(media relations, community management)

A new wind in the communication of the largest residential developer in Slovakia was brought not only by a new internal marketing team, but also by cooperation with our agency. Despite the individual successes of the projects, the company was looking for a unified line of communication and identity.

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Peter Marčan

< Peter >

He has more than ten years of experience in the field of communication and public affairs. He focuses on consulting  in strategy, as well as project management in the fields of energy, healthcare and real estate development. Before his career in PR/PA, he worked for many years in Slovak media, in the press agency SITA and in the economic weekly TREND. He likes challenges, crisis communication and projects where reputation building is important. His passion is energy, but he is also familiar with healthcare.

Languages: English, German


Roman Korenek

< Roman >

Roman started working in PR immediately after graduating. For the past eleven years, he has been honing his skills, focusing on online and audio-visual production in addition to traditional PR. He worked with clients from a wide range of industries, including energy, real estate and retail. He prefers projects aimed at long-term brand building with consistent communication, especially in new media. However, he does not shy away from shorter and more intensive projects.

Languages: English

Lucia Ballayová

< Lucka >

Lucia has been working in PR since 2009. She specializes in projects in the field of healthcare and the third sector, but she also does shy from communication challenges from other industries. In addition, if the project is beneficial socially or humanitarian, she will definitely not miss it. Her strengths are time management and attention to detail. Every project simply has to be completed successfully.

Languages: English


Reputation N

Plynárenská 1, BBC 1 Plus,

821 09 Bratislava



0903 329 491